The events of 2020 have translated to a call for change throughout America, especially in areas related to health safety and inclusion.
In this webinar, learn how to plug into the national narrative to create content that drives change and inclusion across age, race, and ability. You’ll hear from Sydnye White, Senior Director of Content and Storytelling at Special Olympics International and Amy Levner, VP Communications and Marketing at KaBOOM! You’ll learn:
> Unique approaches to storytelling and crisis communications to be more inclusive and effective
> How to use technology to reach marginalized groups and communities
> How to plug into the national narrative to create content that is part of the solution

SYDNYE WHITE is the Senior Director of Content and Storytelling at Special Olympics International and is passionate about using ideas, words, sounds and images to create stories that open minds and touch hearts. As a national Emmy-nominated documentary and factual television producer, she has spearheaded, created and overseen thousands of hours of programming distributed on such networks as Discovery, TLC, Animal Planet, National Geographic, BET, TV One and PBS Stations, the list keeps going. As a content creator for non-profits and corporations, she has informed and entertained audiences while boosting viewer clicks and engagement on websites and social media. She is a non-published novelist with a finished manuscript sitting at the top of her closet and is currently working on a second novel that she hopes to have published one day.

AMY LEVNER is the VP of Communications and Marketing at KaBOOM! is the VP of Communications and Marketing at KaBOOM!, a national non-profit working to end playspace inequity. At KaBOOM! Amy leads all communications, marketing, digital strategy, and research efforts. Before Joining KaBOOM!, Amy led AARP’s Livable Communities agenda, an effort dedicated to creating livable communities for people over 50 and their families. Throughout her career, Amy has been a leader in social change marketing, running successful campaigns in both the agency and non-profit setting.